New Haverhill Assessor Christine M. Webb is welcomed to Haverhill City Hall by soon-to-be-retiring Assessor Stephen C. Gullo. (WHAV News photograph.)
Haverhill Assessor Stephen C. Gullo has been planning on retirement for some time now, but for the city finding and hiring his successor.
That changed at the beginning of the month when Christine M. Webb came on board after the city conducted a lengthy search. Gullo still isn’t leaving just yet though. He’s helping Webb come up to speed, preparing for the City Council’s annual property tax classification debate next week and guiding the state-mandated triennial revaluation of properties next spring.
Webb, of Exeter, N.H., was appointed by Mayor James J. Fiorentini to the post which, according to the job description, pay between $80,000 and $95,000 annually.
Before coming to Haverhill, Webb was Chelsea’s assistant assessor for a year. Before that, she served as a data collector for the Amesbury Board of Assessors for three years. She has also worked as a certified real estate appraiser, owning her own company five years and working for others for another four years.
Webb received her Bachelor of Science degree from Wheaton College, Norton.