What is Greatness?

William “Bud” Hart, of Haverhill, shares “Success Principles”—ideas for living a greater, better and more accomplished life, and building habits that stick. He also coaches clients to incorporate strategies for boosting their mental and physical performance during everyday living.

William “Bud” Hart, of Haverhill, shares “Success Principles”—ideas for living a greater, better and more accomplished life, and building habits that stick. He also coaches clients to incorporate strategies for boosting their mental and physical performance during everyday living.

William Shakespeare said, “Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”

What is greatness and how do people become great? Is greatness born or made? Is greatness the result of innate talent or practice? Few other questions can probably cause more debate, controversy, and diversity of opinions.

I have always been genuinely interested in researching the question, how others believe people might achieve greatness. One of the ways I do this is reading biographies, histories that share the traits and choices that make someone…well, SOMEONE.

So, what, exactly, makes someone great?

According to the dictionary, to be great is to be distinguished or eminent, so as I read a biography I look for what makes this person unique when compared with anyone else? Often it comes down to that individual’s day-to-day dedication to a specific purpose. And very often greatness involves industriousness, endurance and sacrifice. It is discipline, it’s having an unbeatable mind that says, “no matter what, I’m going to persevere until I win!”

What is greatness? This is a question I think we all should to spend time considering because it will be different for all of us. Let me share with you how I have come to see it.

Greatness to me is like many of those things (love, admiration, trust, awe) that are impossible to define in words, there just something uniquely personal that you know when you see it in others. I see “greatness” every day in ordinary people doing simple ordinary everyday tasks that make life better for others (family, co-workers, friends, people they don’t even know).

Am I one of life’s ‘Greats? I’m just me, a fluid careerist, someone who likes helping others. I enjoy doing many things; as the old adage says, a jack of all trades, master of none. I am me and that’s enough.

William “Bud” Hart is a certified “Mindset” Coach, Accountability Partner and Business Consultant. Founder of Hart Group, www.hartgroupma.com.