Thrive or Wane

William “Bud” Hart, of Haverhill, shares “Success Principles”—ideas for living a greater, better and more accomplished life, and building habits that stick. He also coaches clients to incorporate strategies for boosting their mental and physical performance during everyday living.

William “Bud” Hart, of Haverhill, shares “Success Principles”—ideas for living a greater, better and more accomplished life, and building habits that stick. He also coaches clients to incorporate strategies for boosting their mental and physical performance during everyday living.

What causes one person to thrive, and another to wane? Since everything, simple everyday tasks like brushing your teeth, choosing what to wear and going to work; the car you drive; the road that takes you there; and everything you see on the way all began with a simple thought (seed) in one’s mind. This a good place to look for the answer.

Your mind is like a garden, your thoughts are like seeds which can be cultivated or neglected, and you are its gardener. Your unique mind garden creates your unique reality; you can choose to accept this or not.

Growth is a natural cause of seed planting. But the root cause of a seed thriving is far from simple. It only looks that way. Behind every flourishing beautiful plant and flower there is someone that has planned, prepared and cultivated the soil, knows what seeds they planted, knows what to expect and made sure the seeds receive just the right amount of water, heat, light and fertilizer to promote the imagined growth.

All day long thoughts are planted in your mind. Successful people are conscious of this and know what they allow to be planted, who they are planting it for and why. They know what kind of bloom they look forward to. They make sure their plan is nurtured. They look for tools to help take their inspirations to where they want them to go. They communicate their brainchild (thinking) with fanfare, style and confidence and people and things respond.

Henry David Thoreau put it this way, “As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”

When it comes to thriving or waning you have a choice. The seeds you plant in your mind all day long will become the blossoming (or wilting) flowers you experience in your life all day long.
William “Bud” Hart is a certified “Mindset” Coach, Accountability Partner and Business Consultant. Founder of Hart Group,