Cancer Fighting Vegetables

Melinda’s Garden Moments is heard Mon.-Fri. at 7:45 and 10:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. on WHAV.

Melinda’s Garden Moments is heard Mon.-Fri. at 7:45 and 10:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. on WHAV.

Cancer prevention starts on your dinner plate. Well, actually it can start in the garden. Growing your own nutrient rich cancer fighting vegetables allows you to grow pesticide-free vegetables, harvest them at their peak and use them right away, insuring the highest nutrient value and best flavor.

Include some broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, and turnip greens. When cut or chewed these vegetables release cancer fighting substances that help fend off several types of cancer. Include these vegetables in your stir fries, as a side dish with meals or eat them fresh as a snack or appetizer. Three weekly servings of these vegetables can greatly reduce your cancer risk.

In the garden, grow these beauties during the cooler parts of your growing season for the best flavor and productivity. And don’t worry about frost. These can tolerate a light frost, and for some, their flavor even improves.

A bit more information: Another popular and cancer-fighting vegetable, the tomato, can easily be grown in any size balcony or landscape. Whether eaten fresh, juiced, sauced or added to your favorite dish the lycopenes in this vegetable will help in the fight against cancer.

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