Haverhill wastewater plant technicians are working to contain an odor wafting over the Bradford and Riverside neighborhoods.
Mayor James J. Fiorentini told residents Sunday in a Facebook post, “You should not have to put up with that odor.” He said the problem centers on repairs being made to two storage basins. The mayor also posted a report from Deputy DPW Director Robert Ward.
“Over the past few days we’ve received a number of calls about odors in the Bradford area from the wastewater treatment plant. Over the past week the wastewater treatment pant staff has been making repairs to one of the primary sedimentation basins and one of the secondary aeration basins. The repair process involves draining the tanks which results in increased odors from the plant. The primary basin repair is complete which should significantly reduce the odors. We are bringing in additional staff to expedite the secondary aeration basin repair, which is expected to be complete next week. When complete the process will return to normal operation.”
One resident referred to the odor as a “stench.” Another wrote, “Last night was horrible…smelled like the sewage plant exploded. I was even forced to close my windows just to get some sleep.”