Merrimack Valley Credit Union Accepting Scholarship Applications Through Feb. 28

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Merrimack Valley Credit Union is now accepting scholarship applications from high school seniors graduating this year, and expects to award more than $26,000 to 18 students within its field of membership.

Two of the awards honor late members of the credit union’s family. The Lisa Lewis Goodman Community Spirit Award of $2,500 will be presented to one student who embodies the credit union philosophy of people helping people, dedicating themself to their community through volunteer efforts both in and outside of school. James A. Burley Jr. Scholarships are awarded to three students who excel academically, actively participate in extracurricular activities and provide exceptional essay responses. First place is $5,000, second place is $3,000 and third place is $2,000.

The credit union will also award 14 $1,000 scholarships to students based on their high school academic success, commitment to extracurricular and community activities and response to the essay prompt, “Tell us what leadership means to you. Describe a time when you demonstrated leadership, and what lessons you learned from that experience.”

To be qualified, applicants must be currently attending a public, private, religious or technical high school located in the credit union’s field of membership and must be planning to enroll full-time in a certificate, associate’s or bachelor’s program at an accredited college in the United States. Membership with the credit union or a connection to a member is not required.

The application is online and must be completed at Mailed or incomplete submissions will not be accepted. The application deadline is Friday, Feb. 28.

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