State Awards Haverhill Schools $16,260 for Reading Success from Age 3 Through Grade 3

From October, 2024. School Committee member Gail M. Sullivan discusses how reading brings success as School Committee member Richard J. Rosa, Mayor Melinda E. Barrett and Rep. Andy X. Vargas listen in front of Golden Hill School. (WHAV News photograph.)

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Haverhill Public Schools is receiving $16,260 from a state program to help early learners with reading skills.

The city on Monday became one of only 15 districts across the state to receive a grant during the first round from the Partnership for Reading Success in Massachusetts—known as PRISM. “Literacy Launch: Reading Success from Age 3 through Grade 3” aims to make sure Massachusetts schools, educators and students have access to “high-quality, evidence-based reading instruction through literacy materials, technical support, coaching and professional development.”

“Massachusetts is #1 in the nation for education, and we’re on a mission to be #1 for early literacy as well. We’re doing that through Literacy Launch, which is making the best reading materials available to more districts and more students. I am pleased to see the first funding from this going out the door to districts today,” said Gov. Maura T. Healey.

The awards, announced by Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll and Education Secretary Patrick Tutwiler at South Memorial Elementary School in Peabody, were included in the administration’s budget request last year.

Haverhill and other districts will receive professional development, support to create partnerships with community-based preschool providers and instruction and assessment across the community. Money is also provided for early literacy screening assessments, coaching support and to cover staffing costs for roles like literacy coaches or reading specialists.

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