Beyond Walls, Group Behind Many Haverhill Murals Names Daniel as Chief of Staff

“In Their Essence” mural at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Haverhill by Dovente. (Courtesy photograph by Chop ‘em Down Films.)

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eyond Walls, the organization responsible for a series of large, outdoor murals around Haverhill, recently named Tiffany A. Daniel as chief of staff.

According to Lynn-based Beyond Walls, Daniel, of Natick, has managed teams and projects large and small from hospitals, to colleges to start ups. In her new role, she will oversee all programs and projects and managing relationships with outside organizations and community partners.

Previously, Daniel served as business operations manager at Via Separations of Watertown and chief of staff at City University of New York School of Law.

Last fall, Beyond Walls commissioned murals for a second year of a three-year partnership with the City of Haverhill, Creative Haverhill and Team Haverhill. The coalition aims to unite local youth, educators, artists and community organizations to create “more dynamic, vibrant and culturally relevant art in public spaces to celebrate and engage Haverhill’s diverse communities.”

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