‘Battle of the Badges:’ First Responders Compete for Most Blood Donors

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The Battle of the Badges 2024, Haverhill edition, renews a friendly rivalry among the city’s first responders to see which group can recruit the largest number of eligible donors for an American Red Cross blood drive.

Those who wish to help swell the ranks of Team Police or Team Fire can call 1-800-REDCROSS or RedCrossBlood.org, enter “Haverhill” and register with one of the groups to schedule an appointment. This procedure allows prospective donors to complete paperwork before the day of the collections.

The actual Battle of the Badges takes place this Saturday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Citizens Center, 10 Welcome St., Haverhill.

Battle of the Badges is an annual, nationwide event that employs local public servants in a quest to replenish blood and platelet stocks used in lifesaving efforts across the U.S.

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