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Registered Democrats in Haverhill are having a virtual caucus to elect delegates and alternates to the 2024 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention.
Haverhill will be sending 33 delegates and 28 alternates to the party convention, along with other ex-officio delegates. The caucus takes place Monday, March 4, at 6:30 p.m., and is open to all registered and pre-registered Democrats in Haverhill who may vote and be elected as delegates or alternates during the caucus. Youth, ages 16 to 35, people with disabilities, people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community not elected as delegates or alternates may apply to be add-on delegates at the caucus or by visiting massdems.org/massdems-convention.
The caucus will be preceded with a short business meeting of the Haverhill Democratic City Committee and to discuss plans for the Annual Roz McKeon Breakfast and other activities. The public is welcome to attend, especially those interested in joining the Committee.
The 2024 Democratic State Convention will be a fully in-person event on Saturday, June 1, at the DCU Center in Worcester. It is the nominating convention for the U.S. Senate seat held by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and will support electing Democrats across the Commonwealth and the nation.
The Haverhill Democratic City Committee is encouraging pre-registration for the caucuses. Those interested are asked to send an email with name, voting address and ward to [email protected]. Those with questions or seeking more information may call Haverhill Democratic City Committee Chairperson William D. Cox Jr. at 978-374-6297.