Tarr, Finegold and Payano to Address Merrimack Valley Chamber Members at Senate Forum

Inspecting flood damage in 2023 at Progressive Roofing in Haverhill were Sen. Pavel M. Payano, Senate President Karen E. Spilka, owner John Hostetter and Sen. Barry R. Fiegold. (WHAV News photograph.)

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State Sens. Bruce E. Tarr, Barry R. Finegold and Pavel M. Payano will address members and guests of the Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce next month for the Annual State Senate Forum.

During the breakfast meeting, they will provide a report on happenings affecting the region.

The forum takes place Friday, March 15, from 7:30-9 a.m., at Samuel’s Restaurant at Andover Inn, 4 Chapel Ave., Andover. Admission is $35 for members and $50 for non-members. Reservations may be made online at MerrimackValleyChamber.com or by calling 978-686-0900.

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