Graduating high school seniors who plan to continue their education in the arts may be eligible to receive the $1,000 Robert Gablosky Memorial Art Scholarship.

Robert Gablosky.
It is open to public, private and home-schooled seniors from within the districts of Haverhill, Methuen, North Andover, Masconomet, Pentucket and Timberlane. The scholarship is named for late Haverhill Gazette staff writer Robert J. Gablosky, who also founded the Greater Haverhill Arts Association in 1971. Gablosky died in 2017 at age 88. The Greater Haverhill Arts Association administers the scholarship on behalf of the Gablosky family.
Students have until Friday, May 3, to apply. Applications are accepted online at The recipient will be announced and awarded during the reception for the Greater Haverhill Arts Association Annual Open Exhibit Sunday, June 2, from 2:30-4 p.m., at Buttonwoods Museum, 240 Water St., Haverhill.