Those interested in planned Route 114 highway improvements in North Andover and Lawrence have a chance to learn more when the Massachusetts Department of Transportation hosts what is described as an “open house-style” public meeting Thursday.
The meeting focuses on the proposed Route 114 corridor improvement project between Waverly Road and Willow Street/Mill Road in North Andover and Lawrence.
It takes place Thursday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p.m., at Merrimack College, Crowe Hall, Crowe Hall Executive Room, 315 Turnpike St., North Andover.
Work along the 2.2-mile stretch includes roadway widening, geometry and traffic signal improvements, continuous sidewalks and bicycle accommodations separate from automobile traffic. Seven existing traffic signals will be upgraded and two additional intersections will have signals at Royal Crest Drive/Merrimack College and Hillside Road.