(Additional photograph below.)
More than 300 people turned out for an Hispanic Heritage Month celebration and 16th Annual Walk for Peace last week.
Festival goers heard remarks from participating nonprofit organizations, including Violence Intervention and Prevention, UTEC, YWCA, Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport, Northeast American Red Cross, Haverhill Police Department and others. It all began with Violence Intervention and Prevention’s Walk for Peace.
“Thanks to the hard work of many volunteers, today’s festival was a great success,” said Haverhill Latino Coalition President Argenis Marte at the conclusion of the Oct. 15 event. “We welcomed hundreds of Haverhill residents—old and young—to celebrate the diversity and richness of our Latino community in an atmosphere of joy and peace.”
DJ Eridania Nieves served as master of ceremonies and was joined by VIP Director Carol Ireland and Marte to pay tribute to Latino cultural contributions. There was an array of food samplings from several Latino businesses in Haverhill and a performance by artist Brandon Mendoza and his band.
Those attending also heard from state Sens. Barry R. Finegold and Pavel Payano, state Rep. Andy X. Vargas and Haverhill Mayor James J. Fiorentini, all emphasizing the importance of unity and opportunities for empowerment to strengthen Haverhill and the region. A number of Haverhill City Council and School Committee members and other candidates for local office participated at the Haverhill Citizens Center.

Marchers participate in the Haverhill Violence Intervention and Prevention 16th Annual Walk for Peace. (Courtesy photograph.)