Haverhill Democrats Rank Their Local Election Picks During Saturday Straw Poll

Haverhill City Councilor Melinda E. Barrett. (WHAV News file photograph.)

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Haverhill Democrats picked their favorites for local elected office during a mostly-for-fun straw poll Saturday during the Roz McKeon Annual Breakfast.

The unscientific poll, conducted by the Haverhill Democratic City Committee and obviously favoring members, gave 96% of the vote to fellow Democrat Melinda E. Barrett, city councilor and candidate for mayor, over rival Guy E. Cooper, a Republican.

For councilor at large, breakfast attendees chose Thomas J. Sullivan, 82%; John A. Michitson, 78%; Timothy J. Jordan, 51%; Fred A. Simmons, 35%; and Colin F. LePage, 27%. Jordan and LePage are unenrolled.

In ward council races, Ward 1, Ralph T. Basiliere polled 98% to Republican rival Alexander R. Veras, who also withdrew from the race, but whose name will remain on the ballot. In Ward 2, Katrina Hobbs-Everett took 81% of the vote to unenrolled Toni A. Sapienza-Donais, 19%; Ward 3, unenrolled Devan M. Ferreira, 57%; Ward 4, Melissa J. Lewandowski, 62% to Kenneth E. Quimby, 38%, both unenrolled; Ward 5, unenrolled Michael Morales 89%, to Republican Shaun P. Toohey; Ward 6, Oliver Aguilo, 72%, to unenrolled Michael S. McGonagle, 25%; and Ward 7, unenrolled Catherine P. Rogers, 16%.

For ward School Committee, Ward 1, write-in candidate Erica Diaz, 46%; Ward 2, Gail M. Sullivan, 90%, to Toni A. Sapienza-Donais, 10%; Ward 3, Liliana Dilonex, 73%, to Republican Cheryl Ferguson, 27%; Ward 4, unenrolled Mikaela D. Lalumiere, 88%, to Fred A. Simmons, 12%; Ward 5, Jill T. Story, 86%, to Republican Lynette Hickey, 14%; Ward 6, Yonnie Collins, 93%, to unenrolled, Chad A. Feil, 7%; and Ward 7, Thomas W. Grannemann, 94% to unenrolled Hunter P. Rogers, 7%.

The city’s final election is Tuesday, Nov. 7.

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