Ten apartments—four public for seniors and six private units—are before the Haverhill City Council tonight for special permits.
The Haverhill Housing Authority proposes to build its first new apartments in years by expanding an existing four-unit building that it recently bought into eight units in the Riverside neighborhood.
The Housing Authority bought the property at 335 Groveland St. and 0 Katsaros Drive earlier this year for $883,000 from Pilgrim Lanes. It is just adjacent to its Kennedy Circle development and opposite Holy Family Hospital’s Haverhill campus. Nine parking spaces are proposed for the eight apartments reserved for elderly citizens.
A vacant Vine Street lot could become the site of six apartments if city councilors give their consent tonight.
Developer Jared Fish proposes to build on the 8 Vine St. property where a prior building burned and was torn down in three years ago. Multifamily homes are allowed in the zone by special permit from the City Council. The lot offers the requisite number of parking spaces.
Haverhill Economic and Planning Director William Pillsbury Jr. recommends both projects be approved.
The Haverhill City Council meets tonight at 7, remotely and in-person at the Theodore A. Pelosi Jr. Council Chambers, room 202, Haverhill City Hall, 4 Summer St., As a public service, 97.9 WHAV plans to carry the meeting live.