State Now Seeks Business Community Input Tuesday on Basiliere Bridge Replacement

From the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Eamon Kernan, MassDOT project manager; Etty Padmodipoetro, bridge architect; and Nathanial Cabral-Curtis, public involvement. (WHAV News photograph.)

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The Massachusetts Department of Transportation continues to collect opinions on the planned replacement of the Pfc. Ralph T. Basiliere Bridge over the Merrimack River.

Transportation officials next will hear from the business community Tuesday, July 18, from 4-6 p.m., at the UMass Lowell Innovation Hub, 2 Merrimack St., Haverhill. In a pre-meeting survey, members of the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce are being queried about their top concerns—from nuisances such as dust and noise to emergency response, the extent commerce relies on the bridge and design preferences.

The planned meeting builds on earlier briefings with the public and elected officials this spring

Residents attending a forum in March learned no part of the 1925-era bridge is salvageable. Nathanial Cabral-Curtis, who is overseeing public involvement, said that while it was clear when studies began in 2018 the existing deck and arches could not be saved, there was at least hope the foundation could be reused to support new piers. Eamon Kernan, MassDOT project manager, however, said it is possible one of the bridge’s iconic towers could be reused elsewhere.

“If we can take one of these towers off and move it, maybe over to the Bradford Rail Trail or somewhere else in the general area so that it is not lost completely and the history part of it is kept,” he explained.

Officials expect to keep two lanes of traffic open at all times during construction of the estimated $150 million replacement bridge between downtown Haverhill and Bradford. It is scheduled to be complete in 2027.

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