Old Glory is illuminated and flying high at locations throughout the city thanks to the efforts of members of the Haverhill Exchange Club and other patriotic citizens.
One of those citizens is Helen Sheehan, founder of the Eammon’s Heart Foundation who, along with Haverhill City Councilor Thomas J. Sullivan, were able to procure a donation of the flagpole that had stood in front of the former Grondin Funeral Home and have it erected and illuminated in front of the Bradford Fire Department.
A second flag will soon be flying at the World War II Ward Hill Memorial at Route 125 and Ferry Road after the City Council last week approved its installation. Eva Montibello, president of the Haverhill Exchange Club, said this flag was also made possible with the help of City Councilor Catherine P. Rogers.
“So, one of our key goals is to honor Americanism and with Eammon’s Heart Freedom Illumination project, we’ve been illuminating flags throughout the city. Thankfully, Councilor Rogers has donated a flag pole and this is where we would like to put it, right in her backyard,” Montibello said.
She said other locations and projects are also in the planning stages, including a third flag pole installation at Monument Square.
The council approved the World War II Memorial installation by a 7-0 vote with Council President Timothy J. Jordan and Councilor Melissa J. Lewandowski absent.