Doreen Ciarletta and Ruthie Cranton have sung together for more than 50 years.
As they grew up, they began singing in church. Cranton pursued her dream of making music by teaching Haverhill children, but now the sisters are bringing their shared love of music to groups, including clubs and nursing homes.
Cranton taught music in the Haverhill Public Schools for 35 years, retiring in 2017. She is also a church musician, entertains in nursing homes and sings with the DRM band. Carletta is a retired activities director and cake decorator. She is married with three children and four grandchildren.
The singing sisters will perform for members of the Women’s City Club of Haverhill at the Tuesday, Feb. 15, meeting in the lower level of Advent Christian Church, 160 Carleton St., Haverhill. Meetings begin promptly at 1 p.m.
President Phyllis Farfaras will also conduct a brief business meeting. Light refreshments will be served, along with coffee and tea. There will be time for socializing.
The club, founded in 1917, is open to all women in the Merrimack Valley and Southern New Hampshire. Future meetings will feature singers, a discussion with a noted author and a presentation on flowers.