Podcast: Rep. Campbell Details Unfinished Work Remaining Before the State Legislature

State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell. (Courtesy photograph by Aaron Basiliere.)

Setting the state budget for the current year, police reform and votes on other major bills remain to be completed during this year’s unusual extended formal legislative session.

The state Senate and House traditionally would have closed out the formal session last July 31, but agreed to a rare extension because of COVID-19. Rep. Linda Dean Campbell, a recent guest on WHAV’s Morning Show, discussed some of the state’s progress during the pandemic

“The Massachusetts House was the first legislature in the country to develop a system whereby we could vote on major pieces of legislation without having to go to Boston, and a great deal of work was done to make sure that there was safe and secure voting and that folks had an opportunity to file amendments and to be part of the conversation. I’m very proud of that,” she says.

The state is currently in its fourth month of operating on a partial budget. Campell tells WHAV about some of the factors holding up the state budget.

“They’re looking anywhere from $3 to $6 billion in declining revenues, and that’s a huge challenge for a state. We’re also looking, hopefully, reading what goes on day to day in Washington, that we may receive some assistance, and it probably won’t be until next year,” she explains.

Other major pieces of legislation expected to receive consideration during the extended session cover economic development, energy and policing reform. Campbell says the latter was held up because of major differences between the House and Senate versions.

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