Despite last-minute chaos at the North Pole, Santa Claus is making time to accompany the Plaistow Fire Department on his annual town tour just three days before Christmas.
Santa starts his tour at approximately 9:30 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 22, and continues throughout the day. To cover the town, Santa needs about eight to nine hours. He asks parents to listen for the siren in their neighborhoods and do not call, email or message the Fire/Police Department or 911 to find out where he is. Although Santa attempts to tour all the streets in town, his busy schedule might require him to limit going down dead-end streets, similar to past years.
Officials say the sirens come from the lead fire truck ahead of Santa and his sleigh. They suggest children have shoes and coats ready to run out to see Santa come by with his reindeer and helpers.
As with the recent years Santa will have a live feed GPS tracker on him. Follow social media and town website for updates on the links. All updates will also be posted on the Plaistow Fire Department’s Facebook events page.