When Haverhill students head back to class on Tuesday, Aug. 27, breakfast will be waiting for them before the very first bell. As WHAV previously reported over the last several months, the school department has finalized plans to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students at all schools across the city, Superintendent Margaret Marotta said.
To encourage participation, food and beverage carts will make the rounds at the city’s elementary and middle schools for children to choose a healthy breakfast of their choice—cereal, fruit, granola bars, muffins and bagels are on the menu—each morning. Kiosks will be stationed at Haverhill High School’s entrance and throughout the building.
Lunch options will likely be the same or similar to last year, and snacks will continue to be available for purchase.
According to school department spokesman Shawn Regan, the federal government is expected to shoulder most if not all of the cost of the student meal program, given the fact that more than 40 percent of students quality for free or reduced-price lunch. Additional funding has been set aside in the local school budget should it become necessary. Last year, school breakfast and lunch cost between $2 and $3.50 per meal, Regan said.