Catch the Wave at 97.9 WHAV ♦ July 20, 2021
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The breaking news below is one of dozens of local news reports heard over 97.9 WHAV radio or featured on WHAV.net. There’s always more local news on Greater Haverhill’s only public radio station and nonprofit local news service.

Breaking News

Lawyers ‘Demand’ Change to Haverhill Election Practices, Stop Short of Legal Action

Lawyers ‘Demand’ Change to Haverhill Election Practices, Stop Short of Legal Action
Pressure on Haverhill to elect the City Council and School Committee by neighborhood is being ratcheted up with a hint the city could face a court challenge to its current election system. Boston-based Lawyers for Civil Rights, working with Haverhill’s Latino Coalition, sent what it calls a “demand” letter to the city Monday that stopped just short of threatening outright …

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Haverhill Police Charge 18-Year-Old with Gun Assault, Defacing Sites with White Supremacist Stickers

Haverhill Police Charge 18-Year-Old with Gun Assault, Defacing Sites with White Supremacist Stickers
An 18-year-old Haverhill man has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and other charges in connection with alleged white supremacist intimidation at last month’s “Black & Brown Owned Outdoor Market” downtown and earlier at a Kenoza Avenue church. Justin A. Milaszewski, of 19 Sixth Ave., Haverhill, was charged with assault w a dangerous weapon—a bb gun, property damage …

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