Guest Opinion: Grannemann Urges Voters to Join Him and Mayor in Supporting Consentino Question
Editor’s note: Dr. Thomas Grannemann, a retired economist and former Haverhill School Committee candidate, is urging voters to support overriding the state’s tax-limiting law to pay for a new Dr. Albert B. Consentino School. Grannemann, in the guest column below and in WHAV’s Wavelengths eNewspaper, points out his position recently garnered support from what once seemed an unlikely source. Haverhill Mayor James J. Fiorentini said last week on his YouTube channel that he plans to vote in favor of the debt exclusion to build the $160 million replacement. “This school means so much to me that no matter how the debt exclusion vote turns out on June 6, this school is going to be going forward. I’m going to be voting for the debt exclusion.