Methuen’s Searles Estate Advisory Committee Seeks Resident Ideas for Property Feb. 5

The Edward F. Searles Estate in Methuen around 1890.

Methuen’s Searles Estate Advisory Committee is seeking input from residents on the future use of the historic property.

There will be a public meeting Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 7 p.m., at City Hall, in the Great Hall. Mayor David P. “D.J.” Beauregard Jr. will open the meeting with a brief presentation along with Advisory Committee Chair Rose Maria Redman and selected committee members. They will provide a brief history of how and why the city came to purchase the property, outline plans for the public process and provide residents with an opportunity to share thoughts, ideas and feedback.

“When the idea of purchasing the Searles Estate was first discussed by Mayor Neil Perry, and during the pendency of that matter before the City Council and finally with the consummation of the sale, the city has been committed to a public process to determine the best use of the property going forward,” Beauregard said.

For those unable to attend in person, the meeting will be broadcast on and on Methuen’s Comcast 22, Verizon channels 33 and 2133. Feedback may be submitted online at

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