Pentucket Regional School District is launching a Hall of Fame to honor alumni, athletes, educators and community members who have made significant contributions.
Superintendent Justin Bartholomew and Principal Brenda Erhardt said the Hall of Fame will solicit nominations beginning Jan. 1, in three categories—Legacy Employees, Alumni and Benefactors.
Legacy Employees could include teachers, coaches, custodians or administrators and must have worked for Pentucket for at least five years. Nominees should have made a lasting impact through leadership, innovation, mentorship or service to the school, leaving a positive influence on students, staff and the broader Pentucket community.
Alumni. should embody excellence, leadership and commitment to Pentucket’s core values, whether through achievements on the field, stage, in the classroom or in their service to the community. To be eligible, alumni must have graduated from or attended Pentucket for at least half of their school years.
Benefactors may be alumni or community members who have demonstrated a longstanding commitment to advancing the Pentucket mission, helping to improve facilities, programs or opportunities for students
Nominations may be submitted through the District Hall of Fame web page through April 1.