Those who did not take advantage of early voting or return a mail-in ballot have an opportunity to vote today, but residents will note few contested races.
It’s party primary election day with nearly all incumbent federal and state legislators running unopposed. One exception is the state legislative seat, representing parts of Lawrence and Methuen in the Massachusetts House—a rematch between incumbent Francisco E. Paulino and former Rep. Marcos Devers in the 16th Essex District.
Democratic Sens. Barry R. Finegold, 2nd Essex and Middlesex District, and Pavel M. Payano, 1st Essex, are running unopposed as are Reps. Dawne Shand, 1st Essex; Andy X. Vargas, 3rd Essex; Estela Reyes, 4th Essex; Adrianne Ramos, 14th Essex; and Ryan M. Hamilton, 15th Essex. Republican Sen. Bruce E. Tarr, 1st Essex and Middlesex, is also running unopposed.
At the county level, local voters choose between incumbent Democrat Essex County Clerk of Courts Thomas H. Driscoll Jr. and challenger James FX Doherty, and between Eileen R. Duff and Joseph Michael Gentleman III for Southern Essex register of deeds to succeed longtime incumbent John L. O’Brien, who resigned due to illness.
In the race to succeed Duff as the 5th District governor’s councilor is Eunice D. Zeigler, unopposed on the Democratic ballot, and Anne Manning-Martin, unopposed on the Republican ballot.
At the federal level, Democratic incumbents Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Lori Trahan are also running unopposed in their party’s primary. On the Republican side, Robert Antonellis, Ian Cain and John Deaton are vying to win the party’s primary and challenge Warren in November.
Polling places are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Haverhill City Clerk Kaitlin M. Wright is advising voters who have requested Vote by Mail or absentee ballots and have not already returned them to use the city’s drop box or hand deliver ballots directly to the city clerk’s office. Haverhill’s drop box is at City Hall on the Main Street side of the building, across from the Dole and Childs Funeral Home in a small parking lot..
Ballots must be returned by 8 p.m. on election day.
WHAV plans to post Associated Press election results beginning at 8 p.m. at