Plaistow Police Officer McDonald to Become Timberlane School Resource Officer

Plaistow Police Officer Eric McDonald is sworn in during March, 2024. (Courtesy photograph.)

Plaistow Police Officer Eric McDonald becomes school resource officer for the Timberlane Regional School District Aug. 26.

Police Chief John J. Santoro said McDonald was selected following an application process, interview panel and file review.

The oral board interview was led by Capt. Jason Mazza. The panel also included Sgt. Robert D’Auria, Timberlane Superintendent of Schools Justin Krieger and Director of Secondary Education Mark Pedersen.

McDonald joined the Plaistow Police Department last March. Previously, he served Atkinson, Police for the seven years. He is also a certified Law Enforcement Against Drugs instructor and state certified accident reconstructionist. He is interested in community outreach and working with the communities’ youth and is a runner and former professional runner on Team New Balance.

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