Haverhill’s Jarvis Graduates from Mass. Firefighting Academy Call Class; Will Serve at Village Station

Call Firefighter Michael E. Jarvis. (Courtesy photograph.)

Michael E. Jarvis of Haverhill was one of 25 recruits from 18 fire departments to graduate last night from the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy’s Call/Volunteer Recruit Firefighter Training Class.

Jarvis, who already serves as a call firefighter in Groveland, is expected to serve at one of Haverhill’s two call fire houses—Ayers Village or Rocks Village.

Jarvis was the only Haverhill recruit in the class graduating from Department of Fire Services’ Stow campus. He joined firefighters from Boylston, Carlisle, Grafton, Holland, Hopedale, Lincoln, Millis, Millville, Northbridge, Oakham, Paxton, Rutland, Shirley, Tyngsborough, Uxbridge, Wenham and Weston.

“Massachusetts firefighters are on the frontlines protecting their communities every day, and today’s graduates are needed now more than ever,” said state Fire Marshal Jon M. Davine. “The hundreds of hours of foundational training they’ve received will provide them with the physical, mental and technical skills to perform their jobs effectively and safely.”

Davine and Massachusetts Firefighting Academy Director Eric S. Littmann oversaw the presentation of certificates of completion to graduates. Littmann added, “Massachusetts Firefighting Academy instructors draw on decades of experience in the fire service to train new recruits. Through consistent classroom instruction and practical exercises, tonight’s graduates have developed the tools they’ll need to protect their communities.”

The Call/Volunteer Firefighter Recruit Training program delivers a standard recruit training curriculum, meeting national standards, on nights and weekends to accommodate the schedule of firefighters in suburban and rural areas.

Students receive classroom training in all basic firefighter skills. They practice first under non-fire conditions and then during controlled fire conditions. To graduate, they must demonstrate proficiency in life safety, search and rescue, ladder operations, water supply, pump operation and fire attack. Fire attack operations range from mailbox fires to multiple-floor or multiple room structural fires.

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