Veterans Hold Christmas in July Toy Drive July 25 in Haverhill

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Veterans Northeast Outreach Center is celebrating Christmas in July with a toy drive.

The drive will collect toys for the children of veterans in need in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.  Attendees can bring new or gently used toys, participate in free activities such as writing letters to Santa and raffles and receive free boogie board entries and door prizes. Citizens may also donate directly through the center’s Amazon registry at

AmVets Post 147 hosts the event Thursday, July 25, from 3-6 p.m., at 576 Primrose St., Haverhill.

The Veterans Northeast Outreach Center, 10 Reed St., is a nonprofit that supports the needs of veterans in northern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. For more information about the center or the Christmas in July event, call 978-372-3626.

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