Finegold Says Unanimous Senate Vote to Increase Education Aid Shows Unified Commitment

Sen. Barry R. Finegold. (WHAV News photograph.)

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Haverhill and area communities running into shortfalls when it comes to paying for schools during the next term may receive a bit of relief if a state Senate bill becomes law.

The Senate this week voted unanimously to increase minimum state aid to schools from $104 to $110 per pupil during debate on the budget for the year that begins July 1. Sen. Barry R. Finegold, a co-sponsor of the budget amendment, said he advocated for the resources both as the child of public-school educators and the product of a public education.

“This increase in funding reflects modern-day costs and will help schools continue to serve its students at the highest level. The Senate’s bipartisan action on this issue demonstrates a unified commitment to our student’s wellbeing and academic success,” said Finegold.

The senator’s district includes Haverhill, Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School, Pentucket Regional School District and North Andover Public Schools.

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