Christos S. Papaefthemiou. (WHAV News photograph.)
Boston City Clerk Alex Geourntas was in Haverhill Saturday night for the centennial of the Haverhill chapter of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association and the presentation of Man of the Year Awards.
Geourntas, in his capacity as AHEPA National Trustee, presented Acropolis Chapter 39 of Haverhill with the organization’s Diamond Jubilee citation as well as hand-carried a state citation from Gov. Maura Healey. Geourntas was formally named Boston city clerk in 2022 and had served as assistant city clerk since 2005.

John Kakavitsas. (WHAV News photograph.)
Christos S. Papaefthemiou and John Kakavitsas were surprised by the joint awarding of the annual Man of the Year Awards. Both men are longtime chapter members and also served on the anniversary committee.
As WHAV previously reported, local AHEPA President James Tzitzon related the Haverhill group was born Jan. 25, 1924, only two years after the national organization was created to respond to bigotry and racism while helping Greek immigrants assimilate into society.
Maria Syrniotis, representing Congresswoman Lori Trahan, presented a citation from the U.S. House of Representatives.