Residents of Plaistow and Atkinson, N.H., among other area communities, will be able to drop off household cleaners, paints and oils, poisons and other harmful wastes during an upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Day.
It takes place Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m.-noon, at the at the Plaistow Public Works Facility, 144F Main St., Plaistow. Other participating communities are Danville, Hampstead, Chester and Kingston. Proof of residency will be required.
Acceptable material includes aerosol cans, pool chemicals, cleaners, fluorescent bulbs, oil-based paints and more. Residents are asked not to bring ammunition, electronics, explosive materials, fire extinguishers, medical waste, radioactive material or smoke detectors.
Those with questions are asked to make inquiries at their town hall.