Haverhill Schools Getting Ready for First Day of Classes Next Week

A Haverhill School Committee meeting. (WHAV News file photograph.)

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The first day of school is less than a week away, next Tuesday, Aug. 29, and Haverhill School Superintendent Margaret Marotta says preparations are fully underway.

“We’re getting ready for back to school—all the last minute cleaning and touch-up and hiring, that’s all been occurring. We had new staff orientation the other day. We have about 60 new teachers. Many of the classrooms are up and ready to go and many of the teachers are in there getting things ready,” she told School Committee members last night.

One area that is always somewhat problematic, particularly at the beginning of the school year, is bus transportation. Assistant Superintendent Michael J. Pfifferling told School Committee members, schedules went out by email late last week to all families whose kids rode the bus last year.

“In addition, all of the bus routes are up online on our website, Haverhill-ps.org, and, if you go to the department of transportation tab, you will see bus routes there, and there are separate categories by school for a.m. and p.m. routes,” he said.

Marotta added that a sneak preview is available for interested parents and students in grades K-8 as all of those schools are holding an open house on the Monday before school opening. She said a schedule of which schools and times is available on the Haverhill public school website as well.

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