“Heroes of the Underground Railroad,” a children’s play by Bright Star Touring Theatre, takes place next week at the Haverhill Public Library.
During one of the darkest periods of American History, thousands of enslaved people undertook a harrowing journey to find freedom. That story comes to life in “Heroes of the Underground Railroad,” which highlights several of the heroic stories of the brave men and women who dared to escape slavery and the abolitionists who risked everything to aid them along the way. Among the historical figures featured are Harriet Tubman, Henry “Box” Brown, Frederick Douglass, Levi Coffin and John Parker.
The library advises show is best for children in kindergarten through fifth grade, but all family members are welcome to attend. The show takes place Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 1 p.m., at the Haverhill Public Library, 99 Main St., Haverhill. Register online at haverhillpl.org or call 978-373-1586.