Haverhill city councilors learned last week about the police department’s mission this month to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute by shedding some extra pounds.
As WHAV reported previously, the “Drop It Challenge,” initiated by Dana Farber, asks police departments across Massachusetts to commit to losing weight during the month of May and collecting donations for those cast-off pounds. Amy Carter, director of officer wellness at the Haverhill Department, provided an update on the program’s progress.
“I’m proud to say that 30 of our officers volunteered to be on the city’s team and, of all the state, municipal, sheriffs and corrections departments in the entire state of Massachusetts, Haverhill is in second place, earning the second highest amount of money for the kids at Dana Farber,” she explained.
She added the team is still behind its set goal, however, and in a distant second place from the lead team made up of 49 Police Academy recruits in Plymouth. She said the team that takes first place will have a very unique honor bestowed upon them.
“The first place department will have the honor of contributing a cruiser to Dana Farber’s event at the end of the month and this cruiser will be pushed by teams of six to eight officers all the way from Gillette Stadium to Dana Farber Way in Boston,” Carter said.
Haverhill residents are encouraged to make a donation to help those cancer victims and to show support for Haverhill’s finest. To choose a participant to sponsor or make a flat donation of any amount, residents may click here.
To show their support for the program, councilors unanimously passed a motion where they would collectively make a $1,000 donation.