More than 200 COVID-19 rapid antigen tests were passed out Pentucket Regional School District employees on Sunday, allowing staff to self-test before returning to work.
Tests were made available for any staff member who wanted one at Bagnall Elementary School in Groveland. Employees were not required to take a COVID-19 test before classes resumed Monday.
“Our staff and students are our first priority. We want them to feel as safe as possible when classes are in session, and the tests are one more level of protection,” said School Committee Chair Dena Trotta, who volunteered at the distribution.
Kits were provided to all Massachusetts public school districts by Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and Massachusetts National Guard.
“I’m certainly grateful to the Baker Administration and the state,” Superintendent Justin Bartholomew said. “With the Omicron variant, it has become difficult to find a rapid test on the shelves. What we heard from our staff is a lot of ‘thank yous.’”