Groveland voters are asked to approve spending on various items during a special town meeting next Monday, Dec. 6.
An unusual item calls for paying Haverhill $41,168 for last fiscal year’s use of the city’s wastewater treatment system. Officials explain voters must give permission to pay bills from a prior year and Haverhill failed to bill the Groveland Water and Sewer Department during the year that ended last June 30. The town has an agreement with Haverhill to process sewage and pay a portion of capital expenses.
The biggest item is a transfer of $111,657 from the town’s stabilization fund to the Pentucket Regional School District Supplemental Assessment. Officials said the transfer is required to replace American Rescue Plan Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief money that was removed as an “allowable revenue source.”
Another school-related transfer involves using $75,000 for asbestos abatement at the Dr. Elmer S. Bagnall School.
Other transfers from the town’s rainy-day account include $32,000 to buyback a retiring employee’s accumulated sick leave, $15,000 for a consultant treasurer and $6,500 for public health nurse’s salary account.
Voters are also asked to accept two streets as public ways—Graeme Way and Atwood Lane.
The meeting takes place Monday, Dec. 6, at 7 p.m., at Bagnall School, 253 School St.