Haverhill candidates for mayor, School Committee and City Council express their various positions on the issues during a Candidates Forum next Wednesday sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Greater Haverhill.
The forum gives Haverhill residents a chance to hear candidates’ positions on issues affecting the city. Residents have the opportunity to ask questions as well. Due to concerns over COVID-19, the forum will appear online Wednesday, Oct. 13, from 6-8:30 p.m., with simultaneous broadcast by 97.9 WHAV and HC Media Channel 22 over Comcast.
Mayoral candidates Colin F. LePage and James J. Fiorentini begin at 6 p.m. At 6:30, candidates for School Committee answer questions and, at 7 p.m., candidates vying for City Council will be featured. At the end of each of these sessions, online audiences have the opportunity to pose questions using the Zoom Q and A feature.
A recording will be available for viewing afterward. To register for the Forum, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1Oxt6UbjQ6agOA4rETK9Lw