As a public service, 97.9 WHAV presents Community Spotlight at no charge for the benefit of Greater Haverhill nonprofit organizations. To submit news of events, fundraising appeals and other community calendar announcements, Click image.
A free online presentation on threats to Plaistow, N.H.’s wildlife habitat corridors takes place tonight.
Woodard & Curran Project Manager George Franklin and Pete Steckler, Connect the Coast project lead at the Nature Conservancy offer the workshop tonight, Thursday, Sept. 16, from 7-8 p.m., online. Participants will learn about “a new and easily accessible planning tool that identifies regionally significant wildlife corridors across Southeastern New Hampshire.”
According to an event description, “Southeastern New Hampshire is changing. Our rapidly developing landscape and expanding road network are increasingly fragmenting our rich habitats, which wildlife depend on. Wildlife must be able to move across the landscape through Wildlife Corridors to meet their needs, whether to access breeding habitat, food or water.”
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