Haverhill’s Marigold Montessori School was among 19 schools across the Commonwealth to be honored Monday as members of the “Green Team,” an environmental education program.
Seemingly appropriate considering the school’s name and Wildflower School affiliation, Marigold Montessori’s pre-school students and lead teacher Linda Malbon were awarded bookmarks embedded with seeds to plant. They will also receive a link to an interactive performance by environmental “edu-tainer” Jack Golden. The school operates from Trinity Church, 26 White St., Haverhill.
“Green Team students learn to take the concept of environmental stewardship into their schools and communities with practical approaches to energy conservation, recycling, composting and pollution prevention projects,” said Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “Participants in the Green Team program each year learn to create a positive impact on our environment and think about new ways to expand recycling and energy-efficiency efforts.”
Andover High School and science teacher Melanie Cutler were also recognized by the program and will receive key chains made from recycled materials.
Across the state, students took part in expanding school recycling programs, researching electric vehicles; collecting textiles for donation and recycling; starting compost piles at home and school, using the compost generated to nourish a garden to grow vegetables; making their school driveways “Idle-Free Zones;” increasing energy efficiency in their schools and communities; and reducing their carbon footprint at school and at home.
While the pandemic affected schools across the state in unprecedented ways, teachers and Green Team students worked within safety restrictions and other limitations to continue engaging in environmental education and stewardship. Their creativity led to many at-home gardens flourishing, as well as successful organizing and outreach in local communities.
Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides said, “Despite remote learning and other challenges, these students continued to work on environmental activities at home, including recycling, composting, gardening and creating outreach materials to share with their classmates, setting a tremendous example for their families, peers and communities.”