As a public service, 97.9 WHAV presents Community Spotlight at no charge for the benefit of Greater Haverhill nonprofit organizations. To submit news of events, fundraising appeals and other community calendar announcements, Click image.
Team Haverhill’s annual “Possible Dreams” community visioning event is going online this year.
Called “Possible Dreams 2021: Moving Forward Together,” the event is described as “an opportunity to meet new people, discover more that Haverhill has to offer and shape the future of our community by sharing and incubating new ideas. This is the first time the event is taking place online and begins Monday, March 8, at 7 p.m.
During previous in-person gatherings, ideas came from a first round of small-table conversations. This year, ideas were solicited in advance and include Curbside Composting, Haverhill Art Walk, Fountain for Gale Park, Haverhill Drive-In Theater, Veterans Video Archive, Logan Airport Park and Fly, Take a Plant Leave a Plant, Sculptures on New Rail Trail Extension, Destination Downtown and Neighborhood Clean Green Teams.
Choose topics and register at teamhaverhill.org.