Haverhill Public Schools continues bagged student meals distribution this summer at six sites around the city.
Meals are available to any Haverhill child up to 18 years old and children do not have to be enrolled as a public schools’ student. Five of the six distribution sites will continue this summer. They are Haverhill YMCA, 81 Winter St., Dr. Paul Nettle Middle School, 150 Boardman St., Consentino Middle School, 685 Washington St., Hunking School, 480 S. Main St, and John Greenleaf Whittier School, 256 Concord St. In addition, Haverhill High School, 137 Monument St., will continue grab-n-go meals. Each location is open daily from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Each student is entitled to one breakfast and one lunch pack per day and additional meals will be provided Fridays for the weekend. One family member is allowed to pick up for multiple children.