Tilton Upper Plans Anti-Bullying Green Ribbon Week in March with Student-Led Presentations

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Be a buddy, not a bully!  That is the essence of Green Ribbon Week, a school-wide series of events scheduled for the week of March 16 through 20 at Tilton Upper School, formerly St. James School.

The program features student-led presentations on bullying and tolerance, two school-wide assemblies with featured speakers and, for fifth and sixth graders and a Haverhill police officer discussing the law how bullying can lead to school violence.

Megan Arivella, school adjustment counselor and a member of the school’s Parent Engagement Committee told School Committee members last week what the group hopes these events will accomplish.

“We are hoping to spread cheer, increase student participation and attendance, create a school culture of awareness and tolerance for differences and, most importantly, increase the respect for others,” Arivella said.

The program will also explain the differences between bullying, teasing and harassment.  Students will also be asked to sign an anti-bullying contract.

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