U.S. Attorney Settles Improper Dispensing, Recordkeeping Case With Haverhill Pharmacy

(File photograph)

A Haverhill-based long-term care pharmacy has settled a civil suit with the United States Attorney’s office this week in connection with a case of improper dispensing of controlled substances and flawed recordkeeping, Attorney Andrew E. Lelling tells WHAV in a statement.

In addition to the $75,000 settlement, Preferred Pharmacy Solutions, located at 35 Avco Road in Ward Hill, must implement corrective measures to regulate recordkeeping in accordance with the Controlled Substance Act and submit to Drug Enforcement Administration inspections without a warrant over the next three years.

“Whether they are retail, mail order, or long-term care pharmacies like this one, we will strictly enforce regulatory requirements for storing and dispensing controlled substances because of the potential for abuse,” Lelling said Wednesday. “Among other things, enforcement in this area limits opportunities for pharmacy employees to steal medication, which in turn prevents diversion, keeping both patients and the public safer.”

According to a government audit of several drugs kept at Preferred Pharmacy Solutions in Haverhill, six medications—including fentanyl—were improperly accounted for. The shop also failed to disclose on its DEA registration renewal form that part owner Norman Mason previously had his pharmacy license and DEA registration revoked.

Other recordkeeping violations including failure to obtain hard copy prescriptions for medication orders taken over the phone were also noted, Lelling’s office said.

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