Haverhill Schools Receive $600,000 Grant for Before and After School Programs

Robotics is among the extra programs offered to students under the state grant.

Haverhill schools have received nearly $600,000 from the state for before and after-school programs.

The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Continuation Grant will be used to help pay for the Discovery Club programs at elementary and middle schools and Access 21 at Haverhill High School, said Haverhill Mayor James J. Fiorentini.

“Extended learning time, which includes before school, after school and summer school programs, have been shown to increase school learning and boost student performance,” the mayor said.

Discovery Club is available to all students and is provided at Tilton and Golden Hill schools for grades 1 through 4 and Consentino and Whittier middle schools for grades 5 through 8. Both programs offer homework support, social activities, snacks and transportation home. Studies have included art, STEM, reading and writing, and creative topics such as “Urban Planning,” and “Business and the Community.”

At middle school, students choose from Robotics, Horticulture, Musical Theater, Healthy Living, Film and Sports and Games. The high school offers local internships, programs such as Glee Club, Robotics and Life Skills and summer programs.

Superintendent James F. Scully said extra-school programs provide opportunities that poor families might not be able to afford if it were not for public schools.

“Whether it’s athletics, a play or concert, an after-school robotics program or something focused on academics like after-school tutoring, anything we do that’s above and beyond the regular school day is about giving our students a reason to want to come to school,” Scully said.

2 thoughts on “Haverhill Schools Receive $600,000 Grant for Before and After School Programs

  1. ““Whether it’s athletics, a play or concert, an after-school robotics program or something focused on academics like after-school tutoring, anything we do that’s above and beyond the regular school day is about giving our students a reason to want to come to school,” Scully said.

    Now kids have to be bribed to come to school? Paying for a concert and transportation? Taxpayers are now the hook financially to fund social activities? This is total BS!!! What next….paying for movie tickets and an Uber to The Loop? Gym memberships? Netflix subscriptions?

    Will there be any actual measurement of the tutoring taking place? How much time is spent on academics? Documenting any measurable student academic results? Is there any kind of performance criteria involved with this program to determine this isn’t just one big baby sitting service and a total waste of taxpayer dollars?

  2. Thanks to the hardworking grant writers, educators, administrators, parents and others in our community for bringing in the funding for these programs – Job well done