Melinda’s Garden Moments is heard Mon.-Fri. at 7:45 and 10:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. on 97.9 WHAV.
Celebrate May Day by surprising family and friends with a May Basket hung on their door.
May Baskets like dancing around the Maypole have been associated with May Day for more than a hundred and fifty years. This Northern Hemisphere holiday welcomed warmer weather and what many considered the beginning of summer.
Baskets were made of paper, although you may choose to make yours out of twigs, paper plates, tin cans, cloth or other items.
In the past people filled the baskets with spring flowers, candies or other small items. Paper flowers, cut flowers and small potted plants are still a good choice. Consider adding a few packets of flower or vegetable seeds, plant labels or other items to encourage the recipient to plant a garden.
And Shhh… let’s just keep this between us. We don’t want this holiday to become filled with commercial cards, baskets and trinkets.
A bit more information: Anonymity was part of the May Basket Day celebration. The giver would hang the basket on the recipient’s door, knock and run.
For more gardening tips, how-to videos, podcasts and more, visit www.melindamyers.com.