Tonight’s Haverhill Education Forum to be Heard Live Over 97.9 WHAV

Dr. Thomas Grannemann and Tim Jordan, of the new Haverhill Education Coalition, on the Open Mike Show.

“Reach Higher: A Haverhill Community Discussion on School Success” takes place tonight at Hunking School. WHAV expects to broadcast the event live, beginning at 7 p.m.

Presentations will be made by Tim Jordan, Haverhill Education Coalition; economist Thomas Grannemann; Benjamin Forman, MassINC research director; and Lane Glenn, president of Northern Essex Community College.

Appearing on WHAV’s Open Mike Show, Granneman pointed out Haverhill’s student drop-out rate, as measured in four-year peer groups, is generally improving as it is across the Commonwealth, but it is still higher other Gateway and similar income communities. Dollars spent-per-student in Haverhill is also less. Grannemann, of Haverhill, launched a website,, earlier this month to compare city schools with those in other Gateway cities.

Glenn will moderate a panel discussion on “Improving Haverhill Schools: Objectives, Challenges, and Action Steps.” Panelists include Haverhill School Committee President Gail Sullivan, City Council President John Michitson and Dena Papanikolaou, a Haverhill resident, parent, and legal advocate. Mayor James Fiorentini has also been invited.

One thought on “Tonight’s Haverhill Education Forum to be Heard Live Over 97.9 WHAV

  1. Why is this being broadcast on WHAV?

    Everyone should know at this point that Haverhill Education Coalition is a SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP made up of liberal democrat educators and administrators. Like all liberals their solution to everything is to INCREASE TAXES and throw money at problems.

    To hold a meeting made up of like minded people with a specific unified agenda and call it a “forum” is intentionally manipulative and deceiving. Don’t be fooled!! This meeting is nothing more than a promotional opportunity for this SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP to sell the public on why taxes need to be raised in Haverhill.

    Is the Haverhill Education Coalition paying WHAV to broadcast what essentially is going to be an “Infomercial”? If not, they should be.