High School Students Treated for Drug Overdoses

Two freshmen Haverhill High School students were treated Wednesday at a local hospital for apparent drug overdoses.

Police and Trinity EMS ambulance responded to a call for medical help at Haverhill High School, sources said. Haverhill School Superintendent James F. Scully told WHAV Wednesday night the situation is being treated by police as a medical issue.

“To the best of my knowledge some students apparently had some type of substance which could be possibly marijuana laced…it definitely was not anything to do with heroin,” Scully said. “Because it is a medical issue I have really no more knowledge of what really happened.”

Other, unconfirmed reports indicated students may have consumed Xanax pills.

This is a developing story.

One thought on “High School Students Treated for Drug Overdoses

  1. That is so sad, i wish there could be more that was done besides the parents drilling their kids, it doesn’t seem to work maybe showing films of the effects of drugs or take them to a rehab. but, some parents don’t want to scare their kids, but id rather scare them before they get into even jr. high then have this happen. it is just getting out of control in every town not just Haverhill.