Dempsey Budget Revises Early Retirement Savings to $168 Million

A fiscal 2016 state budget proposal from Representative Brian S. Dempsey of Haverhill, House ways and means committee chairman, is nearing completion and due out in the middle of April, according to State House News Service.

Dempsey is planning to take an estimated $168 million in savings from Governor Charles D. Baker’s proposed early retirement program into his budget proposal even as members of the Ways and Means committees continue traveling the state to solicit input.

The House last week unanimously approved Baker’s plan to trim the state payroll by about 4,500 employees before the end of July to save the state as much as $173 million. However, Dempsey downgraded the projection by about $5 million to account for the additional month allowed past the June 30 end of the current fiscal year. Meanwhile, the Senate could vote as early as this week on the governor’s early retirement package.

One thought on “Dempsey Budget Revises Early Retirement Savings to $168 Million

  1. What Massachusetts politicians forget is that they work for “We The People.” They do NOT work for their crony hacks who work for state government. There are too many do nothing employees who presently work for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It won’t be long before Charlie Baker’s proposed savings are put back into the budget and “We The People” will then have the same deficit as the current fiscal year. Is there no politician who sees this?